We are a young Romanian family whose life was fundamentally changed when our baby boy Eric was born. Before that, we were two ambitious persons determined to do great things in our careers, to achieve professional recognition and financial success. In the same time, we were a strong couple with a deep desire to travel as much as possible and always considered that life is not meant to be spent just in one place.
I am Alina, a perfectionist and low risk-taker; I never wanted to do anything unless I knew it would work well and I would be sure to do it better than most people. High grades student and always focused to be successful in my career; I worked for almost 10 years in the financial area in multinational corporations. During this time I grew and learned a lot, I was highly appreciated, with great perspectives and very happy overall with my professional path.
My husband, Andrei, is the adventurer and the risk-taker of the family. Natural-born entrepreneur, he worked as a dentist for about 8 years, he had a successful business in this field and developed a small chain of dental offices in three different Transylvanian cities. He built a close relationship with his patients, had great satisfaction by working in the medical field and enjoyed a lot managing the business.
This all changed when something more important came into our lives: our first baby. After Eric was born, we realised that life means much more than a pay-check, performance evaluations and happy customers. We got to know the simple way of living, the small things that make you happy, the joy of living each day to the fullest. It took us a few months to realise that being close to him and fully involved in his day to day life means more than anything in the world and it is more rewarding than anything we’ve ever done before. So, when he was about one and a half years old, we decided we need to take a break from our past lives and focus more on a new beginning in three. It took a few months of preparations and now, as he is 2 years and 3 months, we are close to embark on a new adventure.
In our research on how to have a happy kid, we found the kids within us, buried deep in our souls by deadlines and social norms, who wanted to escape, be happy, be free… So we let them be free; we quit our jobs and sold our businesses and started on a journey to show our baby boy the world and find the real source of life-long happiness.
I don’t know exactly where life will take us and I’m not sure anymore if all my decisions are perfect, but now I’ve learned from my son to enjoy the moment, to plan less and improvise more, to be able to benefit from all the chances we’ve got and find positiveness in everything that surrounds us. I’m not concerned anymore if everybody understands and agrees with our actions, my main focus now is to make the best decisions for us and place a meaning on the time we have together.
We will periodically write here about our life as a family, focused on our greatest passion, travel. You will find here our experiences as we wander around the world with a young kid, but also holiday memories from the times we were just a couple or tips and facts to help you plan and arrange your travels better. We would love some feedback from you, similar experiences you had or ideas about what you would like to read more here.
I hope you will be following us on our adventure, there are lots to learn and discover together!
I believe, that all people has their own imagination of what happiness is. In my opinion, a happy child is a that child, who was born healthy and has a beautiful family.
Will be sure to sign up for your blog, it seems to be very interesting and I like the design of it very much. Thank you!
[…] first of June has a special meaning for us. Exactly one year ago, we were launching this blog and preparing to embark on a lifetime adventure. At that time, we were […]
[…] was a memorable year for us! It was the year when shocked our families and friends with the decision to quit our jobs and leave all our business behind, to embark on the adventure of our lifetime. Looking back at 2018, I feel like the year started […]
[…] we said in our first blog post, our main objective is to show our baby boy the world and find the real source of life-long […]
[…] it’s complicated :). It was Andrei who had the idea to make a change in our lives, take a break and try a more relaxed life. It was clear to both of us we need be away from home for a while, to […]
[…] Our Journey […]
Very happy for you, not so happy for me (you were my best dentist ever) I am jut curious to see what new stories will bring your new journey.
So…all the best
Wow! I think this is the best decision that a parent can take for his/her child. Kids need US, not toys, not TV or screen, not lots of training and courses, they need their parents to be part of their life, to be emotional available.
Good luck and you are an inspiration for us.
Take care and big hugs! I am eager to see all your adventure and be part of them.